Boatshed Poole - Hola Ian y Jane, me gustaría darle las gracias por la introducción de un comprador y posterior venta mi barco recientemente. La venta fue a través sin ningún problema y yo sin duda recomendar 'Boatshed Poole' a cualquiera de mis amigos que contemplan la venta de su barco. Una vez más, muchas gracias.

David Newman - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - me compró mi barco a través de Boatshed Poole en julio de 2016 que se ocupó de Andrea dibujó en todo el proceso y su entusiasmo y ayuda fue muy apreciado. Al principio, me pujó más alto para el barco, pero por suerte para mí, el mejor postor cambiado de opinión y de inmediato dieron de nuevo en contacto, respondió a todas mis preguntas y siempre y cuando la información que necesitaba para seguir adelante con la compra. Nada era demasiado problema. Sentí que estaba tratando con una persona, no sólo una empresa. Un excelente servicio personalizado. Muy recomendable.

Geoff - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Torquay - Gracias. He estado muy impresionado con el nivel profesional de servicio que ofrecen throughout.I luego, no dudaría en recomendar o utilizar de nuevo.

David - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Norfolk - solamente una palabra de agradecimiento por toda su ayuda en la compra del Carver 325

Ella llegó a salvo en Chichester Marina el pasado miércoles, y ahora es seguro en su nuevo puesto de atraque. De primer visionado de la entrega de finalizar ha sido un proceso sin costuras y directa, sin duda recomiendo sus servicios.

Trevor - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - Yo estaba encantada con el servicio profesional que he recibido de Boatshed Poole. A lo largo del proceso de compra de su servicio fue excepcional. Tanto la práctica guía de compra del barco y la eficiencia de la oficina eran excepcionales. No tendría ninguna duda en recomendar como un intermediario honesto y profesional a cualquiera.

Douglas Rob - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Yorkshire - Gracias Paul, compramos nuestro yate en marzo y fue un auténtico placer trabajar con Boatshed Yorkshire y Paul ... escuchó lo que habíamos pedido y superó todas las peticiones ... En verdad mejor que lo que decía en la lata. .. 8 semanas en 12 velas y 7 noches a bordo ... Vender o comprar con confianza Pablo sabe lo que hace y está dispuesto a compartirlo con ustedes ... Ver en unos pocos años para la actualización ...

Anon - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed PHUKET - Gracias por todos sus esfuerzos para lograr la venta a una conclusión feliz. Mientras que usted representa al vendedor, creo que le debemos una copa o dos y pondremos en contacto cuando estamos en Phuket.


Ian - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed BRISTOL - Sólo quería decir un gran agradecimiento. La compra de un barco a veces puede ser tan traumático como ser dueño de uno y me gustaría darle las gracias por romper el molde y haciendo de este uno un verdadero placer. No estoy seguro de que podría haber hecho más y que sin duda hizo que la experiencia muy suave y sin dolor. Si alguna vez podía permitirse otra duda me preguntaría que encontrarlo para mí.

Gracias de nuevo, lo que realmente fue muy apreciado.

Niall - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed - muy bueno, útil y fácil de usar hangar bien hecho. :)

Anon - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Muchas gracias por todos sus esfuerzos y un servicio muy eficiente. Tomó una gran parte del día a día sin problemas de distancia y hace el proceso muy fácil. Muchas gracias, recuerdos, de Tony

Tony - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Usted ha sido genial!

Chris - Mayo el año 2016

This really is the easiest way to sell a boat. Tim, from Boatshed Brighton, came and took all the details and a catalogue of pictures, next thing it was on their website and I started to receive emails when someone viewed the details. Three weeks later boat was sold and they handled all the paperwork, what could be easier!

- Tony, January 2016 | Boatshed Brighton

Well Rosie has now gone, all funds are cleared and bill of sale signed so everything has happened. A sad day but a necessary one. Many thanks for your help in getting to this point, I will definitely be recommending Boatshed to anyone that I come across. Very many thanks Tim.

- Tony, January 2016 | Boatshed Brighton

Thank you Tim, for guiding us through the purchase of our lovely new liveaboard yacht. Totally recommend Boatshed Brighton for friendly, helpful and efficient service.

- Lula, January 2016 | Boatshed Brighton

BOATSHED well done enjoyed your web page very good

- David Jones - December 2015 | Boatshed

Our new boat arrived at Exmouth safely at eight o'clock Friday. Many thanks for your professional help . Happy Christmas.

- Fred - December 2015 | Boatshed

Thank you for all your help and professionalism in selling Lady Barb we are soooooo pleased that it has gone to a good home and that the new owners are so happy. We would certainly recommend you to anyone.

- Doug & Barbara - December 2015 | Boatshed

Sad as it was to sell her, I must say that you made the whole process quick and painless so many thanks for your input.

- Jamie - November 2015 | Boatshed Torbay

Thanks Phil, for all your assistance throughout the purchase, much appreciated

- Jonathan - November 2015 | Boatshed Torbay

Re my recent boat purchase though Boatshed at Poole I would just like to commend the team that handled the Purchase. As I am based in China the whole proceedings had to be handled by E mail which adds an additional complication to the procedure, but the whole transaction was dealt with in a very professional & friendly way by Mr. West & later by Jane. This gave me the confidence to proceed without actually viewing the boat.

- Graham - November 2015 | Boatshed Poole

Many thanks for your email confirming the purchase of the Rival 32. I am very pleased with her and I would like to thank Richard for a very straightforward transaction and you for the very easy contract completion.

- Andy - November 2015 | Boatshed Chichester

Thank you very much for all your help it has been a real pleasure doing business with you and Boatshed. It was a very smooth transaction and excellent communications from Richard

- Terry & Julie - November 2015 | Boatshed Chichester

I actually have always insured my boats through Navigator and General and while I was waiting on them to respond back, I clicked on your Boatshed Insurance Link. Upshot is they were as impressive as you and I ended up using them instead. Fast and efficient service. Overall out of all the boats over the years I’ve bought this by far has been the least problematic so I can’t praise you or Boatshed enough for handling all this.

- Robert - October 2015 | Boatshed Dartmouth

I would highly recommend the services of Boatshed Poole. Open, honest and transparent a pleasure to deal with. Both Lloyd and Jane made my first purchase an easy one, with very useful advice and guidance along with introductions to local contacts who will help ongoing (including Lloyd hopefully if I don't plague him too much) All told I'm very pleased they were handling the sale of the boat I wanted. Thanks

- Kelan - October 2015 | Boatshed Poole

I recently used the services of Boatshed, who under took the sale of our Westerly Centaur. It was very satisfying that the process conducted by Ian was quick, stress free and dignified, and concluded with all parties being pleased with the transaction. Thank you

- Sheila - October 2015 | Boatshed Poole

I was recently involved in negotiation, with owners of a boat that was advertised on Boatshed website, that was in the Norfolk area. Though in the end, I did not purchase the vessel, I must express my thanks to Gary from Norfolk Boatshed, who was dealing with the transaction. At the very professional way that it was all carried out, especially the very prompt manner in which my deposit was returned, when I had decided not to purchase the vessel in the end.

- Andrew - October 2015 | Boatshed Norfolk

Not having a specific boat in mind I scanned crafts available on the net and came across one that started to tick a few boxes. On contacting Boatshed Poole I spoke to an Ian Welsh and a Jane Wilkins and over the next few weeks they were exceptionally helpful with my tentative questions. They then forwarded an extensive range of photographs graphically showing in detail all points of importance that we require when contemplating the purchase of a boat, plus their very helpful expert individual knowledge. As it was a 400mile round trip to Poole and back I had the peace of mind and confidence in Ian, Jane and Boatshed to drive to Poole and trail the trailersailer back home. The boat lived up to the information given and ticked all the boxes. There’s not many companies you can completely rely on when making a purchase . . . with Boatshed you can!!! . . .

- Bill - September 2015 | Boatshed Poole

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the professional and proactive manner with which Boasted Poole dealt with my recent purchase of a yacht they were selling. In particular, the broker I dealt with (Will West) went above and beyond the level of service one would normally expect he kept me constantly updated, worked tirelessly (often outside of the working day) and went to great lengths to resolve all my questions and obtained information from the vendor who was not always readily contactable. In my view, Will is a great credit to your company and I would not hesitate to recommend Boatshed to my colleagues if this is the standard of service your company provides.

- Mark - September 2015 | Boatshed Poole

Thank you for dealing with this proposed purchase in such a professional and friendly manner. Will always be happy to recommend you.

- Stephen | Boatshed Brighton

Having spent a couple of weeks dealing with Boatshed Yorkshire via their excellent representative (Paul), I have only good things to report. Paul is amazing, in that he is responsive, ultraprofessional, friendly and a total credit to the organisation. I am not a "virgin" buyer and have been in or around boats most of my life. This guy deserves all the plaudits he should receive. Oh, and by the way , yes of course I bought the boat. As far as I am concerned when considering a boat purchase Paul is a good first point of call. Thanks Paul.

- Berni - July 2015 | Boatshed Yorkshire

Thank you very much once again for your excellent service in selling my boat, I will be back again if and when I decide to sell another.

- Paul | Boatshed Torbay