Boatshed Poole - Hola Ian y Jane, me gustaría darle las gracias por la introducción de un comprador y posterior venta mi barco recientemente. La venta fue a través sin ningún problema y yo sin duda recomendar 'Boatshed Poole' a cualquiera de mis amigos que contemplan la venta de su barco. Una vez más, muchas gracias.

David Newman - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - me compró mi barco a través de Boatshed Poole en julio de 2016 que se ocupó de Andrea dibujó en todo el proceso y su entusiasmo y ayuda fue muy apreciado. Al principio, me pujó más alto para el barco, pero por suerte para mí, el mejor postor cambiado de opinión y de inmediato dieron de nuevo en contacto, respondió a todas mis preguntas y siempre y cuando la información que necesitaba para seguir adelante con la compra. Nada era demasiado problema. Sentí que estaba tratando con una persona, no sólo una empresa. Un excelente servicio personalizado. Muy recomendable.

Geoff - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Torquay - Gracias. He estado muy impresionado con el nivel profesional de servicio que ofrecen throughout.I luego, no dudaría en recomendar o utilizar de nuevo.

David - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Norfolk - solamente una palabra de agradecimiento por toda su ayuda en la compra del Carver 325

Ella llegó a salvo en Chichester Marina el pasado miércoles, y ahora es seguro en su nuevo puesto de atraque. De primer visionado de la entrega de finalizar ha sido un proceso sin costuras y directa, sin duda recomiendo sus servicios.

Trevor - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - Yo estaba encantada con el servicio profesional que he recibido de Boatshed Poole. A lo largo del proceso de compra de su servicio fue excepcional. Tanto la práctica guía de compra del barco y la eficiencia de la oficina eran excepcionales. No tendría ninguna duda en recomendar como un intermediario honesto y profesional a cualquiera.

Douglas Rob - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Yorkshire - Gracias Paul, compramos nuestro yate en marzo y fue un auténtico placer trabajar con Boatshed Yorkshire y Paul ... escuchó lo que habíamos pedido y superó todas las peticiones ... En verdad mejor que lo que decía en la lata. .. 8 semanas en 12 velas y 7 noches a bordo ... Vender o comprar con confianza Pablo sabe lo que hace y está dispuesto a compartirlo con ustedes ... Ver en unos pocos años para la actualización ...

Anon - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed PHUKET - Gracias por todos sus esfuerzos para lograr la venta a una conclusión feliz. Mientras que usted representa al vendedor, creo que le debemos una copa o dos y pondremos en contacto cuando estamos en Phuket.


Ian - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed BRISTOL - Sólo quería decir un gran agradecimiento. La compra de un barco a veces puede ser tan traumático como ser dueño de uno y me gustaría darle las gracias por romper el molde y haciendo de este uno un verdadero placer. No estoy seguro de que podría haber hecho más y que sin duda hizo que la experiencia muy suave y sin dolor. Si alguna vez podía permitirse otra duda me preguntaría que encontrarlo para mí.

Gracias de nuevo, lo que realmente fue muy apreciado.

Niall - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed - muy bueno, útil y fácil de usar hangar bien hecho. :)

Anon - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Muchas gracias por todos sus esfuerzos y un servicio muy eficiente. Tomó una gran parte del día a día sin problemas de distancia y hace el proceso muy fácil. Muchas gracias, recuerdos, de Tony

Tony - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Usted ha sido genial!

Chris - Mayo el año 2016

Hi Paul, I saw your website yesterday evening : pictures and video are perfects. Congratulations. Best regards Philippe

- Philippe Hirel | Boatshed Barcelona

I would just like to say thank you for your professional and kind service a credit to your company . Thank you

- Tom McCarron | Boatshed Lancashire

We both wanted to write to you to thank you for a superb level of service right from the start of our enquiry up to ensuring the yacht was safely loaded onto the transporter. You were timely in your replies to questions ( normally made outside working hours ) informative, positive and helpful at all times. You took much of the stress of buying a yacht and arranging lifting, transport etc away. It really has been a pleasure dealing with you and I will recommend yourself and Boatshed to anyone buying or selling a boat. Indeed we already have our old yacht on brokerage with Boatshed North Wales. Thanks once again Paul, if ever you find yourself in Holyhead feel free to call in for a pint.

- Tim - August 2016 | Boatshed Yorkshire

Hello Ian & Jane, I would like to thank you for introducing a buyer and subsequently selling my boat recently. The sale went through without a hitch and I will certainly be recommending 'Boatshed Poole' to any of my friends contemplating selling their boat. Once again thanks very much.

- David Newman - July 2016 | Boatshed Poole

I bought my boat through Boatshed Poole in July 2016. I dealt with Andrea Drew throughout the process and her enthusiasm and help was much appreciated. Initially, I was outbid for the boat but fortunately for me, the higher bidder changed his mind and she immediately got back in touch, answered all my questions and provided the information I needed to go ahead with the purchase. Nothing was too much trouble. I felt I was dealing with a person, not just a company. Excellent personal service. Highly recommended.

- Geoff - July 2016 | Boatshed Poole

Thank you. I have been very impressed with the professional level of service you offered throughout.I certainly would not hesitate to recommend or use you again.

- David - July 2016 | Boatshed Torbay

- Just a quick word of thanks for all your help in the purchase of the Carver 325She arrived safely at Chichester Marina last Wednesday, and is now secure on her new berth. From first viewing to finalising delivery it has been a seemless and straightforward | Boatshed Norfolk

I was delighted with the professional service that I received from Boatshed Poole. Throughout the buying process their service was outstanding. Both the practical boat buying guidance and efficiency of the office were exceptional. I would have no hesitation in recommending them as an honest and professional broker to anyone.

- Douglas Rob - June 2016 | Boatshed Poole

Thank you Paul, we bought our yacht in March and it was an absolute pleasure working with Boatshed Yorkshire and Paul ... Listened to what we asked and exceeded every request ... Truly better than what it said on the Tin ... 8 weeks in 12 sails and 7 nights on board ... Sell or buy with confidence Paul really knows his stuff and is happy to share it with you ... See in a few years for the upgrade ...

- Anon - June 2016 | Boatshed Yorkshire

Thanks for all your efforts to bring the sale to a happy conclusion. While you represent the vendor, I think we owe you a drink or two and will get in touch when we are in Phuket. Best regards,

- Ian - June 2016 | Boatshed Phuket

Just wanted to say a big thank you. Buying a boat can sometimes be as traumatic as owning one and I'd like to thank you for breaking the mould and making this one a real pleasure. I'm not sure you could have done any more and you certainly made the experience smooth and very painless. If I could ever afford another one I'd certainly be asking you to find it for me. Thanks again, it really was much appreciated.

- Niall - June 2016 | Boatshed Bristol

Very good, helpful and easy to use well done boatshed. :)

- Anon - May 2016 | Boatshed

Many thanks for all your efforts and very efficient service. It took a lot of the day to day hassle away and made the process very easy. Many thanks, best wishes, Tony

- Tony, May 2016 | Boatshed Brighton

You've been brilliant!

- Chris, May 2016 | Boatshed Brighton

Extremely helpful and efficient team. Jane provided prompt responses to my queries providing assistance where required, keeping me updated with how things were progressing. Lloyd was kind enough to arrange a Saturday viewing to work around my work commitments. This proved ideal otherwise I may have missed out on a wonderful opportunity. I am now the proud owner of a Westerly Centaur. Thank you to you both.

- Anon - May 2016 | Boatshed Poole

Just a note to say that we arrived home safely to Kinsale yesterday evening (25 hour sail from Falmouth). The boat stood up well bar a few minor teething issues but I am very happy with her. Thanks for your time & professional manner in seeing this through. All the best

- Finbarr, May 2016 | Boatshed Brighton

We both wanted to thank you for your 'first class' brokerage service. As you are aware our sale was not straight forward and your expertise was very much needed, highly valued and greatly appreciated. I would not hesitate to recommend 'Boatshed' to our friends and have been highly satisfied with the service from beginning to end. With sincere thanks

- Martin & Sandra Haydon - May 2016 | Boatshed Yorkshire

Delighted with your professionalism, interaction and reach. Your efforts secured two vetted and accompanied viewings leading to a decisive sale to a good home for my 1972 Westerly Centaur. Many thanks indeed

- Martin - May 2016 | Boatshed Poole

Thanks for everything. Your very efficient.

- Richard - April 2016 | Boatshed Cork

Would like to say many thanks to you and the team at boat shed for all your help and hard work selling my boat it has been a good result in a sort space of time. So Thanks again and perhaps we will meet again one day.

- Gary Brooks - April 2016 | Boatshed Poole