Boatshed Poole - Hola Ian y Jane, me gustaría darle las gracias por la introducción de un comprador y posterior venta mi barco recientemente. La venta fue a través sin ningún problema y yo sin duda recomendar 'Boatshed Poole' a cualquiera de mis amigos que contemplan la venta de su barco. Una vez más, muchas gracias.

David Newman - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - me compró mi barco a través de Boatshed Poole en julio de 2016 que se ocupó de Andrea dibujó en todo el proceso y su entusiasmo y ayuda fue muy apreciado. Al principio, me pujó más alto para el barco, pero por suerte para mí, el mejor postor cambiado de opinión y de inmediato dieron de nuevo en contacto, respondió a todas mis preguntas y siempre y cuando la información que necesitaba para seguir adelante con la compra. Nada era demasiado problema. Sentí que estaba tratando con una persona, no sólo una empresa. Un excelente servicio personalizado. Muy recomendable.

Geoff - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Torquay - Gracias. He estado muy impresionado con el nivel profesional de servicio que ofrecen throughout.I luego, no dudaría en recomendar o utilizar de nuevo.

David - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Norfolk - solamente una palabra de agradecimiento por toda su ayuda en la compra del Carver 325

Ella llegó a salvo en Chichester Marina el pasado miércoles, y ahora es seguro en su nuevo puesto de atraque. De primer visionado de la entrega de finalizar ha sido un proceso sin costuras y directa, sin duda recomiendo sus servicios.

Trevor - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - Yo estaba encantada con el servicio profesional que he recibido de Boatshed Poole. A lo largo del proceso de compra de su servicio fue excepcional. Tanto la práctica guía de compra del barco y la eficiencia de la oficina eran excepcionales. No tendría ninguna duda en recomendar como un intermediario honesto y profesional a cualquiera.

Douglas Rob - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Yorkshire - Gracias Paul, compramos nuestro yate en marzo y fue un auténtico placer trabajar con Boatshed Yorkshire y Paul ... escuchó lo que habíamos pedido y superó todas las peticiones ... En verdad mejor que lo que decía en la lata. .. 8 semanas en 12 velas y 7 noches a bordo ... Vender o comprar con confianza Pablo sabe lo que hace y está dispuesto a compartirlo con ustedes ... Ver en unos pocos años para la actualización ...

Anon - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed PHUKET - Gracias por todos sus esfuerzos para lograr la venta a una conclusión feliz. Mientras que usted representa al vendedor, creo que le debemos una copa o dos y pondremos en contacto cuando estamos en Phuket.


Ian - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed BRISTOL - Sólo quería decir un gran agradecimiento. La compra de un barco a veces puede ser tan traumático como ser dueño de uno y me gustaría darle las gracias por romper el molde y haciendo de este uno un verdadero placer. No estoy seguro de que podría haber hecho más y que sin duda hizo que la experiencia muy suave y sin dolor. Si alguna vez podía permitirse otra duda me preguntaría que encontrarlo para mí.

Gracias de nuevo, lo que realmente fue muy apreciado.

Niall - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed - muy bueno, útil y fácil de usar hangar bien hecho. :)

Anon - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Muchas gracias por todos sus esfuerzos y un servicio muy eficiente. Tomó una gran parte del día a día sin problemas de distancia y hace el proceso muy fácil. Muchas gracias, recuerdos, de Tony

Tony - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Usted ha sido genial!

Chris - Mayo el año 2016

“Samantha Cassell of Boatshed has worked tirelessly to sell my Moody 346. The boat was put on the market in May and was finally sold in February at a reduced price but what the market was prepared to pay. I would recommend Sam and Boatshed to any prospective seller”.

- Mike Finch, Portsmouth Offshore Group | Boatshed Portsmouth

Excellent, thanks Gary, yep money received, thanks for all your efforts, I appreciate ths has been a lot of work for you.... Very pleased with the service you've provided, let me know if I can add any comments or approval rating on your web site? David

- Mr David East | Boatshed Norfolk

Most people don’t sell a boat very often so don’t know the ropes. Most people aren’t dispassionate enough to price their boat to sell. Most people don’t live close to their mooring so showing people around the boat can be difficult. Most people don’t have marketing skills and an easily found, well thought out website. Most people, if they think it through, would use Boatshed to sell their boat. I did and it worked beautifully. Many thanks to Samantha and her team at Gosport. A job well done!

- M Childs, Portsmouth Offshore Group | Boatshed Portsmouth

Many thanks for everything. You've been fantastic.

- Scott, March 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

I am really pleased I chose Boatshed Portsmouth to sell my sailing yacht, Trouble Maker. Sam was very helpful and professional with frequent updates throughout the sale process. The sale went through within my preferred timescale and I would recommend them to anyone selling their boat.

- Ian, Royal Clarence Marina | Boatshed Portsmouth

Hi Gary thank you for your prompt work on the sale of Emma Bea. We really can't praise you enough for all you have done for us.

- Mr Paul Horan | Boatshed Norfolk

If it does go ahead I want to say how grateful I am for your time meeting with me, I left with so much more knowledge not of just what to look for, but also what to expect life to become. Your attitude towards the boats was incredibly infectious and I left telling everyone that I have never met such a helpful and passionate person, I will be forever grateful for that. Thank you again Tim. You honestly helped so much it was unbelievable.

- Adam, February 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

Tim at Boatshed Brighton made the boat buying process easy, simple and enjoyable. He continues to be of help even after the deal was done. Tim remained transparent throughout the buying process. His advice and guidance was very helpful and his knowledge is endless. I would highly recommend Tim. You won't find a better broker on the south coast.

- Veronica, February 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

There is no better person to ask for advice on buying or selling a boat than Tim Kingston from Boatshed Brighton as Tim is not only ex RN but also a current member of the Brighton RNLI Lifeboat crew, so really knows what he is talking about & he is also a very nice man.

- Chris, February 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

I sold my boat through Boatshed in Brighton. I found Tim Kingston to be professional and knowledgeable. I also bought my boat through Boatshed in Plymouth and found the same experience as a buyer. Recommend.

- David, February 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

Thanks for all your help Gary much appreciated, money is safely in my account. We really appreciate all the extra work you did for us Kind regards Jim

- Mr James Graham | Boatshed Norfolk

A successful sale in quite a short time. The whole web based system allows the vendor to if there is any interest. The best bit is at the end, clever software allows exchange of paperwork money and signatures without having to wait for the post. All done and dusted. Hooray.

- Chris W, Haslar Marina | Boatshed Portsmouth

Good boat brokers, professional and helpful. I've been involved in the process of buying a boat with them and they have been giving me all the help they could considering vendor's tricky situation. I would recommend buying a boat through them.

- Valentin, January 2020 | Boatshed Suffolk

Firstly can we say what a great in depth video you have done for this vessel.

- Lord xxxx, January 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

I absolutely love all your videos. (I even watch the ones on vessels that I will never be able to afford just because they are so good)

- Siobhan, December 2019 | Boatshed Brighton

Bought a boat recently via Boatshed ... great experience, end to end. Knowledgeable broker in their Suffolk area (where my boat was moored) and the admin from head office in Brighton was smooth and efficient. The business model seems to work well for them - light on overheads, with a focus on local knowledge. I'd buy or sell via Boatshed again; and happily recommend them to others. No link with the company, just a happy sailor.

- Roy, December 2019 | Boatshed Suffolk

Bought a boat recently via Boatshed ... great experience, end to end. Knowledgeable broker in their Suffolk area (where my boat was moored) and the admin from head office in Brighton was smooth and efficient. The business model seems to work well for them - light on overheads, with a focus on local knowledge. I'd buy or sell via Boatshed again; and happily recommend them to others. No link with the company, just a happy sailor.

- Roy, December 2019 | Boatshed Brighton

Thanks, Tim. A really positive experience.

- Roy, December 2019 | Boatshed Brighton

I love the format!...This is much better than pictures of an empty cabin. With you standing there it gives a much better idea of the space available. Well done.

- Marcel D, December 2019 | Boatshed Brighton

Just a quick note to thank you for all your help buying EOS of Hythe. Taking ownership on Saturday was such a pleasure and I was so pleased at how smoothly it went. I really appreciated your swift and professional work throughout the process and certainly your level of knowledge and experience which of course, really helped with my decision to buy!! Thanks again.

- Tony | Boatshed Portsmouth