Boatshed Poole - Hola Ian y Jane, me gustaría darle las gracias por la introducción de un comprador y posterior venta mi barco recientemente. La venta fue a través sin ningún problema y yo sin duda recomendar 'Boatshed Poole' a cualquiera de mis amigos que contemplan la venta de su barco. Una vez más, muchas gracias.

David Newman - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - me compró mi barco a través de Boatshed Poole en julio de 2016 que se ocupó de Andrea dibujó en todo el proceso y su entusiasmo y ayuda fue muy apreciado. Al principio, me pujó más alto para el barco, pero por suerte para mí, el mejor postor cambiado de opinión y de inmediato dieron de nuevo en contacto, respondió a todas mis preguntas y siempre y cuando la información que necesitaba para seguir adelante con la compra. Nada era demasiado problema. Sentí que estaba tratando con una persona, no sólo una empresa. Un excelente servicio personalizado. Muy recomendable.

Geoff - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Torquay - Gracias. He estado muy impresionado con el nivel profesional de servicio que ofrecen throughout.I luego, no dudaría en recomendar o utilizar de nuevo.

David - Julio el año 2016

Boatshed Norfolk - solamente una palabra de agradecimiento por toda su ayuda en la compra del Carver 325

Ella llegó a salvo en Chichester Marina el pasado miércoles, y ahora es seguro en su nuevo puesto de atraque. De primer visionado de la entrega de finalizar ha sido un proceso sin costuras y directa, sin duda recomiendo sus servicios.

Trevor - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Poole - Yo estaba encantada con el servicio profesional que he recibido de Boatshed Poole. A lo largo del proceso de compra de su servicio fue excepcional. Tanto la práctica guía de compra del barco y la eficiencia de la oficina eran excepcionales. No tendría ninguna duda en recomendar como un intermediario honesto y profesional a cualquiera.

Douglas Rob - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed Yorkshire - Gracias Paul, compramos nuestro yate en marzo y fue un auténtico placer trabajar con Boatshed Yorkshire y Paul ... escuchó lo que habíamos pedido y superó todas las peticiones ... En verdad mejor que lo que decía en la lata. .. 8 semanas en 12 velas y 7 noches a bordo ... Vender o comprar con confianza Pablo sabe lo que hace y está dispuesto a compartirlo con ustedes ... Ver en unos pocos años para la actualización ...

Anon - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed PHUKET - Gracias por todos sus esfuerzos para lograr la venta a una conclusión feliz. Mientras que usted representa al vendedor, creo que le debemos una copa o dos y pondremos en contacto cuando estamos en Phuket.


Ian - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed BRISTOL - Sólo quería decir un gran agradecimiento. La compra de un barco a veces puede ser tan traumático como ser dueño de uno y me gustaría darle las gracias por romper el molde y haciendo de este uno un verdadero placer. No estoy seguro de que podría haber hecho más y que sin duda hizo que la experiencia muy suave y sin dolor. Si alguna vez podía permitirse otra duda me preguntaría que encontrarlo para mí.

Gracias de nuevo, lo que realmente fue muy apreciado.

Niall - Junio ​​el año 2016

Boatshed - muy bueno, útil y fácil de usar hangar bien hecho. :)

Anon - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Muchas gracias por todos sus esfuerzos y un servicio muy eficiente. Tomó una gran parte del día a día sin problemas de distancia y hace el proceso muy fácil. Muchas gracias, recuerdos, de Tony

Tony - Mayo el año 2016

Boatshed BRIGHTON - Usted ha sido genial!

Chris - Mayo el año 2016

Thank you so much. It’s a big worry off my mind. I will recommend you to anyone I know who is selling a boat. 5 star service! Please convey my congratulations to the new owners on their purchase and I hope they have as much fun on Rapid Riviera as we all did. So sorry to have to sell, I will miss it. Thanks again Gary. Kindest regards, Pat.

- Thank you so much | Boatshed Norfolk

Dear Corinne, I have now received the funds in my account. Thank you so much. You have been terrific. I am afraid that patience is not one of my virtues. Fortunately it appears to be one of yours!

- Stephen South - July 2020 | Boatshed IOW

Hi Gary. Excellent! Thank you so much for your help in securing a sale for me. It’s a great weight off me considering the horrible year I’ve had.

- Hi Gary. Excellent! Thank you so much for your help in securing a sale for me. It’s a great weight off me considering the horrible year I’ve had. | Boatshed Norfolk

Very much appreciate your excellent broker style.

- Paul, July 2020 | Boatshed Palma

We have just sold our yacht with Billy and Jo, at Boatshed Plymouth, having bought it through them a few years ago - excellent service and a pleasure to deal with both times.

- Morgan, Kelt 850 Vendor (July 2020) | Boatshed Plymouth

The whole process of buying a used boat was made simple and stress free with the help of Tim. He was helpful, friendly and sorted out any questions I had immediately. I'd recommend Boatshed Suffolk to anyone that wants a chilled out and trouble free service!

- Matthew, July 2020 | Boatshed Suffolk

Hi Gary, Thank you for these concluding details and I must say really pleased with the Boatshed support. Geoff was exemplar in his professionalism and a great pleasure to deal with. In my early career I was a Lloyd’s Register specialist surveyor and working with Geoff took me right back to those days and though I am now retired I do rather miss that “marine” take on life.

- Thank you for these concluding details and I must say really pleased with the Boatshed support | Boatshed Norfolk

Dear Samantha, Thank you for all your help and hard work in helping us to sell our boat. We have appreciated your advice and diligence throughout. The timing of the sale was particularly challenging since the boat went onto the market just before the Covid pandemic closed down all activity at a crucial time in the sailing year. When viewing finally became possible, you managed a swift and very professional transaction with which we are extremely well satisfied.

- Yours sincerely John and Gina Guy. Hornet Sailing Club | Boatshed Portsmouth

I sold my boat through Boatshed Portsmouth. The process was simple and straightforward. Sam did a great job when it came to the final stages of the sale, and I felt she wanted both parties to be satisfied and a fair deal to be brokered. I would definitely recommend Boatshed Portsmouth to potential buyers and sellers in the future.

- Thanks Tim | Boatshed Portsmouth

Many thanks again, and we shall certainly recommend Boatshed.

- Chaloner, July 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

Hells bells – do you ever stop lol! Thank you very much indeed for that, it really really is appreciated. Saves us a job once we get on board. I can’t wait to do your review once the sale has completed – talk about going the extra mile – it will be glowing. Thanks again and have a good weekend. Kind regards trev

- Mr T Gough | Boatshed Norfolk

I would like to express my thanks to you and Boatshed Yorkshire for the professional way in which you managed all aspects of the sale of Free Spirit. Not least because you finally managed to obtain a fully acceptable offer when for a long time I thought we would have to accept a ridiculously low one. Thank you also for keeping me informed at all stages. I will certainly recommend Boatshed Yorkshire to anyone else who is contemplating a sale in this area. Thank you.

- James Gibb | Boatshed Yorkshire

I have to say you do some great videos on Boatshed, actually the best ones so well done and keep the quality.

- Geoff, June 2020 | Boatshed Brighton

"Sam, many thanks to you and your colleagues for managing the sale of Hamba. The sale was carried out professionally and I am sure that the new owner will also be happy with the result. I must pay credit to the way Hamba was presented on your website, the fact that the new owner travelled from the West Country to both view and subsequently purchase Hamba was testament to the quality of the presentation."

- Thanks again. Stuart | Boatshed Port Solent

Thanks again for all your help, I'll definitely recommend you guys to people in the future.

- Matthew, June 2020 | Boatshed Suffolk

Just purchased a boat through your company, although it was at the lower end, price-wise, of the market, Paul, the local manager was both helpful and professional in his, dealings.

- Robert J | Boatshed Yorkshire

You have been great through the process. Many thanks and I will be sure to contact you next time I either purchase or sell another boat.

- David, W (June, 2020) | Boatshed Essex

Many thanks for handling the sale of my boat and I would certainly recommend you and/or Boatshed to anyone who needs services as good as yours when buying or selling a boat. Best wishes, Richard

- Richard M Wilson | Boatshed Norfolk

Huge thanks to Boatshed Essex for your support.

- Angie, C (June 2020) | Boatshed Essex

When Boatshed decided to take “Tickymint” on, there was no going back. The boat is 40 years old but does sport a new does a 1000 others. They made it their mission to find a buyer and whilst the voyage was long and bumpy, Boatshed persevered and triumphed. Throughout the service, monthly viewing stats, personal contact and guidance & importantly, patience with their client never wavered. The result was everything I hoped for... & honestly a tad better service than my best guess. Thank you Sam at Boatshed, great job !

- Thank you Sam at Boatshed, great job ! Gosport Boat Yard | Boatshed Portsmouth